Saturday, September 15, 2012

It's been a long time...

My how time flies. It's been a couple weeks since I posted. Mostly because I went on a cruise for a week, but the other week was out of pure laziness. But I'm back and ready to get back in that kitchen.

Although I havent posted, I have stayed on my cookie grind. In the last couple weeks I tried the roll method. The roll method was where I rolled the cookie dough into a long tube shape, wrapped it in wax paper and stuck it in the freezer and sliced when cookies were wanted. It actually worked. The shape was off (giant ovals) but even after being in the freezer a week, the cookies still were yummy.

I tried macaroons again, i used the recipe similar to the Godiva store macaroons, way too sweet, I think I want to do a mash up of my first batch of macaroons and the latest ones.

Lastly, in an attempt to make a cookie I can feel less guilty about, I made a peanut butter based "healthier" cookie. To be honest, I don't know how much healthier it is, but it's delicious, and has healthy things in it.

So I stayed busy, but now it's time to get back to business.

Pictures to come...